Well, after a scary pre-term labour incident, these twins decided that they were not coming out on their own. After trying anything and everything to start labour (spicy food, lots of walks/waddling), I was scheduled to be induced on Monday, September 19th. Unfortunately, Sunnybrook Hospital does not give you a time, as they give the beds to women who actually go into labour first. So we waited around all day until we finally got the call that there was a free bed around 6:30pm.
Waiting to check in to the birthing unit |
Around 8:30pm, my doctor (who happened to be in call that night), broke my water. They asked me if I then wanted to try labouring without the epidural, or to start the epidural before they started the pitocen (a synthetic hormone that starts contractions). I recommend to all women to they have the epidural. I had no pain! Yay for modern medicine. I slept, read magazines, played cards. Labour shmabour!
Around 11am on September 20th, I started pushing. Now, the labour was easy, but pushing was definitely not. Twin A (Harrison)'s head was facing sideways, and would not get past my pelvic bone. The doctor tried to turn his head around, but there was just not enough room. After 2 hours of pushing (with only 30 second rests in between pushes), I was more than happy to be wheeled into the OR for a C-section.
Unfortunately, the pain meds were not as nice to me as the epidural was. I puked everywhere (including in my hair!), and got really bad shakes and chattering teeth.
Harrison Ross was born at 12:52pm, weighing 7lbs 2oz and roughly 21". Charles (Charlie) Wesley was born at 12:54pm, weighing 6lbs 7oz and roughly 20".
Harrison Ross Smith |
Charles Wesley Smith |
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