Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Family Pics

Daddy and Harrison

Mommy and Charlie

The boys

Mommy and Harrison

Daddy and Charlie

Auntie Steph

Uncle Andy

Dr. Grampa



Lookin' stylish

Our Baby Story

Well, after a scary pre-term labour incident, these twins decided that they were not coming out on their own. After trying anything and everything to start labour (spicy food, lots of walks/waddling), I was scheduled to be induced on Monday, September 19th. Unfortunately, Sunnybrook Hospital does not give you a time, as they give the beds to women who actually go into labour first. So we waited around all day until we finally got the call that there was a free bed around 6:30pm.

Waiting to check in to the birthing unit
Around 8:30pm, my doctor (who happened to be in call that night), broke my water. They asked me if I then wanted to try labouring without the epidural, or to start the epidural before they started the pitocen (a synthetic hormone that starts contractions). I recommend to all women to they have the epidural. I had no pain! Yay for modern medicine. I slept, read magazines, played cards. Labour shmabour!

Around 11am on September 20th, I started pushing. Now, the labour was easy, but pushing was definitely not. Twin A (Harrison)'s head was facing sideways, and would not get past my pelvic bone. The doctor tried to turn his head around, but there was just not enough room. After 2 hours of pushing (with only 30 second rests in between pushes), I was more than happy to be wheeled into the OR for a C-section.

Unfortunately, the pain meds were not as nice to me as the epidural was. I puked everywhere (including in my hair!), and got really bad shakes and chattering teeth.

Harrison Ross was born at 12:52pm, weighing 7lbs 2oz and roughly 21". Charles (Charlie) Wesley was born at 12:54pm, weighing 6lbs 7oz and roughly 20".

Harrison Ross Smith
Charles Wesley Smith

Friday, 16 September 2011

The end is nigh...

Hello All!

So I had my last official doctor's appointment yesterday. Babies are big (well over 6lbs each), and both head down. They are healthy and happy, and unfortunately (for me) way too comfortable in there. So, their eviction notice has officially been served. If they do not vacate the premises by Monday (Sept 19th), then I will be induced that day (as long as there is a bed available at the hospital).

So the wait is almost over! Send your good vibes this way, and tell them to come out on their own this weekend! Or if not, send me your good vibes that the epidural works quickly and that labour is fast on Monday!

Next post will be after we meet our babies!