Sunday, 24 July 2011

Our baby blog

Hello all!

This blog is dedicated to our soon-to-be twins. Here you will find updates on their growth, pictures, and their burgeoning accomplishments (which I'm sure there will be many!)

Please check this site regularly, as Scott and I will try to update it as much as possible. However, due to the nature of having twins (I am expecting very cute chaos), we may only get to it once in a while!


  1. Can't wait to meet my little grandbabies and to hold them and love them.

  2. Thanks for the invite! I was just thinking of sending you and Scott an email today. Can't wait to see a few pictures of the new babes.

    Small technical do I add your blog to my blog reader? Is this possible?

  3. Hi Megan

    Thanks for inviting me to view your blog. I look forward to hearing about the twins and seeing pictures when they're posted.

  4. Thanks for the invite, Megs!!!
